Student Spotlight: Smarika

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Smarika, CRLS Class of 2018 recipient of the Rose & Victor Rifkin Family Scholarship, now
enrolled at the College of the Holy Cross, told us:

“I have been drawn to history since fourth grade. I was a voracious reader and consumed every
piece of literature about the ancient world that I managed to get my hands on. I had always been
encouraged to pursue higher learning, but I knew even then that I would not be satisfied unless I
had a career in the field of history. I could not imagine not being in school, reading, analyzing,
and discussing different narratives, so I decided to dedicate my learning toward becoming a
history professor. Teaching history would not only allow me to explore my passion, but it would
also fulfill my dream of helping others. The opportunities I have been given in life have made it
possible for me to discover what fascinates me and, having been born and raised for my first five
years in Nepal, I hope to one day teach abroad and give the same opportunity to another
deserving child.”

Congratulations, Smarika!