Donate to the FOCRLS General Scholarship Fund

Scholarships 2025

Awardees must meet enrollment and financial requirements along with criteria specific to scholarships.

CRLS Seniors: Apply to FOCRLS Scholarships online through the CRLS Scholarship Application Portal by March 3

FOCRLS STEAM Scholarships — Five scholarships @ $2,500 to students each committed to achievement in one of the STEAM fields: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics. Sponsored by FOCRLS.

Donate to the "100 by 100" STEAM Scholarships

“Thank you so much to FOCRLS for choosing me to be the recipient of this prestigious award! I would like to thank all the donors and organizers of FOCRLS for this wonderful and amazing opportunity. This scholarship will definitely help alleviate my college financial stress and will provide me with more time to focus on my studies and college life.
In college, I am majoring in mechanical engineering because I love the concept of bringing my ideas into reality to solve real-world problems. There are many problems to be solved in today’s world, and I believe that people like me who have the privilege of education have the power to tackle these challenges.”
Ashrafur, CRLS Class of 2021 
FOCRLS awardee of the “100 by 100” STEAM Scholarship for Engineering, now enrolled at Northeastern University

CRLS Core Values Scholarship — Awarded to a graduating senior who has demonstrated a commitment to the school’s motto: “Opportunity, Diversity, Respect.” (Four scholarships @ $1,250 presented. Amount increased in 2022.) Sponsored by FOCRLS.

Donate to the CRLS Core Values Scholarship

Elaine Schear “Voice of the First Generation” Creative Writing Scholarship — Awarded to a graduating senior who demonstrates a talent for and an interest in creative writing and who will be a first generation college student. Established in honor of Friends of CRLS’s co-founder and first Executive Director, Elaine Schear, Ed.D. (One scholarship @ $1,500 presented.) Sponsored by Elaine Schear, friends & family members of
Elaine Schear, and FOCRLS.

Pictured: Elaine Schear (left) with Gassendina (right), CRLS ’19, the first awardee of the Elaine Schear “Voice of the First Generation” Creative Writing Scholarship, now enrolled at UMass Amherst. Gassendina said, “My parents always were my motivators to keep on writing despite the fact that they were not fluent in English,” and she started writing every chance she got, “because there are stories that have never been told, and I want to tell my truth through storytelling. Creative writing helped open my imagination that was locked inside me.”

Donate to the Elaine Schear "Voice of the First Generation" Creative Writing Scholarship

Elizabeth Vernon Scholarship for Volunteerism & Community Service — Awarded to a graduating senior who demonstrates a dedication to volunteer work in the Cambridge community. Established in honor of longtime FOCRLS Executive Committee member and volunteer Elizabeth Vernon. (One scholarship @ $1,250 presented.) Sponsored by FOCRLS.

Donate to the Elizabeth Vernon Scholarship for Volunteerism and Community Service

Dr. Christopher Saheed Future Educators Scholarship — Awarded to a graduating senior who plans to pursue a career in education. Named in honor of the at-the-time CRLS Principal (read more) who championed the founding of FOCRLS. (One scholarship @ $1,500 presented. Amount increased in 2021.) Sponsored by family members, friends, and colleagues of Dr. Christopher Saheed.

Donate to the Dr. Christopher Saheed Future Educators Scholarship

Friends of CRLS First Scholars Award — Awarded to a graduating senior who will be the first in their family to attend a 4-year college. (Three scholarships @ $1,250 presented.) Sponsored by FOCRLS.

Donate to the Friends of CRLS First Scholars Award

Friends of CRLS First Scholars Award Sponsored by Eastern Bank (formerly Cambridge Trust Foundation) Awarded to a graduating senior who will be the first in their family to attend a 4-year college. (Two scholarships @ $1,250 presented.) Many thanks to Eastern Bank for their gracious support.

Donate to the ​​Friends of CRLS First Scholars Sponsored by Cambridge Trust Company

“It Takes a Village” Multi-Year Scholarship — Awarded to a graduating senior who plans to attend a Massachusetts public college or community college. (One new awardee selected from each graduating class. Awardee will receive $1,000 each college year, totaling $4,000 for a 4-year degree or $2,000 for a 2-year degree.) Sponsored by FOCRLS.

Donate to the "It Takes a Village" Multi-Year Scholarship

Bristol Myers Squibb Scholarship for Science — Awarded to a graduating senior with demonstrated financial need who has excelled in biology, chemistry, physics, or environmental science and will major in science at college. (Awardee will receive $2,500 each college year, totaling $10,000 toward a 4-year degree.) Much appreciation to Bristol Myers Squibb for sponsoring this scholarship.

CambridgeSeven STEAM Award Awarded to a graduating senior who is the first in their family to attend a 4-year college and is committed to excel in one of the STEAM fields: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics. (One scholarship @ $5,000 presented.)

Deep gratitude to CambridgeSeven for their eleven-year commitment as sponsors for this scholarship.

Pictured: CambridgeSeven Principal Patti Intrieri (left) and
Principal/President Gary Johnson (right) presenting the
CambridgeSeven STEAM Award at CRLS’s 2019 Scholarship Night.

2019 Awardee Sagyan (center) is now enrolled at UMass Amherst with a major in computer science: “I want to become a software developer where I can apply my skills to developing solutions to some of the world’s greatest problems. I want to be able to create more sustainable solutions to environmental problems through the use of algorithms to track and mitigate ways that we humans are exploiting the Earth.”

Donate to the ​​Cambridge Seven STEAM Award ​​

Aurora M. (Ciccariello) Leydon Memorial Scholarship — Awarded to a graduating senior who is a resident of East Cambridge. Established in memory of Aurora M. (Ciccariello) Leydon (read more). (One scholarship @ $1,500 presented. Amount increased in 2021.) Sponsored by the Leydon family.

Donate to the ​​Aurora M. (Ciccariello) Leydon Memorial Scholarship ​​

“To me, education means taking advantage and making use of every single opportunity that comes my way. A college degree will be the next step on my long path to becoming a well-rounded individual while developing a true educational foundation based on the matters of the world that mean the most to me. I plan to continue my educational journey beyond a bachelor’s degree and pursue a Ph.D. My experiences at CRLS, particularly my time being a teacher’s assistant for AP Environmental Science, have inspired me to teach in this area of study.“

Aya, CRLS Class of 2021 FOCRLS awardee of the
Aurora M. (Ciccariello) Leydon Memorial Scholarship,
now enrolled at Northeastern University

Cambridge Day Sue Reinert Scholarship for Journalism — Awarded to a graduating senior who has participated in journalism within the past year. (One scholarship @ $500 presented.) Many thanks to Marc Levy of Cambridge Day for sponsoring this scholarship.

Donate to the Cambridge Day Sue Reinert Scholarship for Journalism

Cheri Kamen Targoff Memorial Scholarship for the Humanities Awarded to a female graduating senior who is interested in studying history, English, or another humanities field at a college level. (One @ $2,000 scholarship presented.) Sponsored by Ramie Targoff & Stephen Greenblatt.

Donate to the Cheri Kamen Memorial Scholarship in the Humanities

Colonel & Mrs. Henry Bayard McCoy Memorial Scholarship Awarded to a male graduating senior who has excelled in AP or honors U.S. history and demonstrated civic engagement by having volunteered to help others within Cambridge or nationally. (Three @ $4,000 scholarships being presented in 2025.) Read about Colonel & Mrs. Henry Bayard McCoy here. Sponsored by The New York Community Trust.

Donate to the Colonel and Mrs. Henry Bayard McCoy Memorial Scholarship

Dr. David A. Link Scholarship for the Health Professions Awarded to a graduating senior committed to social justice in Cambridge and pursuing a career in health care. Named in honor of David A. Link, M.D., former Chief of Pediatrics at The Cambridge Health Alliance (read more) (Two scholarships @ $1,500 presented.) Sponsored by family members, friends, and colleagues of Dr. David A. Link.

Donate to the Dr. David A. Link Scholarship for the Health Professions

Earl M. Gardner Scholarship — Awarded to a graduating senior who has demonstrated a dedication to community service. (Two scholarships @ $1,500 presented.) Sponsored by the Gardner family.

Donate to the ​​Earl M. Gardner Scholarship​​

John D. Zagarella, Sr. Memorial Scholarship — Awarded to a hard-working graduating senior who has played youth or high school sports, has overcome challenges, and plans to continue post-high school education by enrolling in college or trade school. (Two scholarships @ $600 presented. Amount increased in 2024.) Sponsored by Christy Zagarella, Zagarella family members, and friends. (read more)

Donate to the John D. Zagarella, Sr. Memorial Scholarship

Dear Christy and Zagarella Family,

I want to express my gratitude for your generous contribution to my education. I will be starting college at Lesley University this fall and, with your support, will be further developing my passion in creative writing and storytelling. I look forward to changing the world in ways big and small and hope you feel proud knowing you helped me make those changes. Thanks again.


Agustina, CRLS Class of 2024, Lesley University Class of 2028, and awardee of a John D. Zagarella, Sr. Memorial Scholarship

Juliette Kayyem & David Barron Scholarship for Children of First Responders  Awarded to a graduating senior who is the child of a first responder (member or veteran of the U.S. armed forces, Coast Guard, National Guard, law enforcement, firefighter, emergency medical technician, emergency room nurse or doctor, or public health official). (One scholarship @ $1,500 presented.) Sponsored by Juliette Kayyem & David Barron.

Donate to the ​​Juliette Kayyem & David Barron Scholarship for Children of First Responders

Kathleen M. Kelly Scholarship — Awarded to a graduating senior who self-identifies as a woman or with womanhood (including transgender, genderfluid, and non-binary persons) and will be the first in their family to attend college. (One scholarship @ $1,500 presented.) Sponsored by Kathleen M. Kelly.

Donate to the ​​Kathleen M. Kelly Scholarship

Larry Rosenberg Memorial Scholarship Awarded to a graduating senior who has demonstrated a commitment to addressing the existential threat of climate change and intends to enroll in a 2- or 4-year college in the fall. (One scholarship @ $1,500 presented.) Sponsored by friends of Larry Rosenberg.

Donate to the ​​Larry Rosenberg Memorial Scholarship

Maria J. Tavares Memorial Scholarship Awarded to a first-generation college-bound graduating senior with immigrant parents. (One scholarship @ $1,500 presented.) Sponsored by Mary Tavares Sutula and the Sutula family.

Donate to the Maria J. Tavares Memorial Scholarship

Mary Frances Monti Scholarship Awarded to a graduating senior who has demonstrated both academic and personal growth during their high school career. (One scholarship @ $1,250 presented. Amount increased in 2021.) Sponsored by Neil B. Rosenburg, Cambridge High & Latin School ’76, FOCRLS Treasurer and Scholarship Chair.

Donate to the Mary Frances Monti Scholarship

N Rahman Scholarship — Awarded to a graduating senior who descends from South Asia (Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nepal) with a special preference given to students of Bangladeshi origin. (One scholarship @ $2,000 presented.)
Sponsored by Naveed Rahman & Caroline Butler-Rahman.

Donate to the N Rahman Scholarship

​​Patrick Ewing Scholarship  Awarded to a graduating senior who is an African American of West Indian descent. (One scholarship @ $2,000 presented. Amount increased in 2021.) Sponsored by Patrick Ewing, CRLS Class of ’81 (see more).

Donate to the ​​Patrick Ewing Scholarship ​​

Rose & Victor Rifkin Family Scholarship Awarded to a graduating senior who is a first generation student and low income and/or a child of immigrants, pursuing college education as their path to attaining the American dream (read more). (Two scholarships @ $2,500 will be presented in 2025.) Established in 2016 in celebration of Rhoda Rifkin Spiegelman’s 85th birthday. Sponsored by friends, family members, and descendants of Rose & Victor Rifkin, grandparents of FOCRLS co-founder Donna Spiegelman and great-grandparents of CRLS alumnae Nessarose Schear ’10 and Ariela Schear ’14.

Donate to the Rose & Victor Rifkin Family Scholarship

Tutoring Plus Scholarship — Awarded to a graduating senior who has participated in Tutoring Plus and who intends to enroll in any type of higher education program in the summer or fall. (One scholarship @ $1,000 presented.) Many thanks to Tutoring Plus for sponsoring this scholarship.

Donate to the Tutoring Plus Scholarship


Charlene Holmes Memorial Award Awarded to a graduating senior who best exemplifies Charlene’s generosity, caring, and professional aspirations. Charlene was a CRLS student, church member, and volunteer at the Salvation Army who would have graduated in 2014 had she not been tragically taken from us. Charlene will forever be part of the spirit of CRLS. There is no application for this award; teachers and staff members nominate students with letters of recommendation at the start of the spring semester. More info>> (Four awards @ $500 presented, with one recipient from each Learning Community.) Sponsored by FOCRLS.

Donate to the Charlene Holmes Memorial Award

Calvin Hicks Memorial Award for the Study of Music CRLS students in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 are eligible $500 to take lessons, a class, a workshop, or a summer program at any accredited music school OR to take music lessons independently with a credentialed instructor. For a student at any level of musical experience to study any instrument, voice, or music theory. INFORMATION AND APPLICATION>>  (One of $500 presented.) Sponsored by family members, friends, colleagues, and students of Calvin Hicks. Read more about Calvin Hicks.>> 

Donate to the Calvin Hicks Memorial Award for the Study of Music

Fresh Start Contracting Corporation Award for Carpentry Awarded to a graduating senior who has excelled in the Rindge School of Technical Arts carpentry program for two years. (One award @ $500 presented.) The awardee can use the funds for college tuition or to help defray the costs associated with pursuing a career in the trades. Many thanks to Ben O’Sullivan-Pierce, CRLS ‘04, and Nick Stamos, CRLS ‘02, co-founders of Fresh Start Contracting Corporation for their continued sponsorship.

Donate to the Fresh Start Contracting Corporation Award for Carpentry

Ginny Berkowitz Award for Media Arts & Social Justice An award from the Ginny Berkowitz Fund for CRLS’s Media Arts & Social Justice, named for the founding Program Manager of the Media Arts Studio (MAS), will be given annually to a participant in MAS programs who is a rising 11th or 12th grader. The award will be used to defray the cost of producing a piece of media, an event, or a campaign that promotes social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Application forms will be available beginning March 1 of each year and will be due April 1. (One award, amount TBA, presented.) Sponsored by family members, friends, and colleagues of Ginny Berkowitz.

Donate to the Ginny Berkowitz Fund for Media Arts & Social Justice

John & Ellen Moot Community Service Award Awarded to CRLS juniors or seniors who have dedicated themselves to community service and who represent the ideals of community activism and service to the city of Cambridge. (One or more awards up to $5,000 each presented annually.) Sponsored and presented by The Cambridge Club.

Donate to the John & Ellen Moot Community Service Award

Kito Jackson: Light Someone’s Way ScholarshipNew in 2025 — Awarded to a graduating senior who has financial need and a commitment to their education (high GPA not required), preferably one who shares some of Kito’s interests, including athletics, culinary arts, and/or fashion and visual art. (One scholarship @ $1,800 presented in two $900 installments at the starts of their first and second years at a trade school or two- or four-year college.) Additionally, Ms Norma Asprilla, mother to Kito, will offer guidance and mentorship to the awardee.

A memorial scholarship sponsored by the family of Roderick L. “Kito” Jackson, Jr.

Donate to The Kito Jackson: Light Someone’s Way Scholarship

Luke Bailey Santos Memorial Scholarship Awarded to a graduating senior who has demonstrated leadership and commitment to civic responsibility through political involvement, community service, and the guiding principle of unity. (Awardee will receive $1,250 per year for $5,000 toward a 4-year degree.) Sponsored by Dr. Allison Bailey & Albert Santos, parents of Luke Bailey Santos, CRLS Class of 2021. (Read more about Luke and this scholarship)

Donate to The Luke Bailey Santos Memorial Scholarship

Donate to the Mary Canavan McKearney Fund

Would you like to explore the idea of establishing and sponsoring a Scholarship or Award for CRLS students?

  • Individuals, families, or groups can convey an honor upon a special person by creating a scholarship or award in that person’s name.
  • Alumni of CRLS or its predecessors, Cambridge High & Latin School and Rindge Technical School, can create a legacy for their graduating class or honor a beloved teacher.
  • Businesses or corporations can establish named scholarships to demonstrate their support for CRLS or reward their high school interns.
  • Sponsors can tailor scholarship criteria such as financial need, area of educational interest, career goal, academic merit, involvement in extracurricular activities, commitment to a social cause, personal/family background, etc.
  • Sponsors can participate in CRLS’s Scholarship Night and receive recognition in FOCRLS’s media.
  • Sponsorships and donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Contact FOCRLS to Learn More About Establishing a Named Scholarship or Award for CRLS Students