Student Spotlight: Diana

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Diana, CRLS Class of 2018 recipient of the“100 by 100” Cambridge Business Community STEAM Award for Mathematics, now enrolled at Stanford University, told us:

“Among all the things I enjoy, I have two outstanding passions. One passion is for mathematics, computer science, and technology. There is no sense of accomplishment like the one I get from solving a complex math problem, one that I want to continue experiencing throughout my life. My other passion is for making a societal impact on underprivileged communities. My goal is to use my college education to combine these two passions:  excel in math, computer science, and technology, and apply it for the benefit of humanitarian causes.  In the long run, my ultimate goal is to found a company that uses technology and innovation and channel new innovative ideas towards solving challenges that our society faces today (probably targeting emergency aid or reducing the carbon footprint). In order to do this, I would also like to learn more about business, entrepreneurship, economics, and political science, to be able to manage and realize such a company. I strongly believe that the technological world today is far too heavily focused on profit and commercial consumerism rather than using creativity and innovation to bring about positive impact upon our very problematic and conflict-ridden world.”

Congratulations, Diana!