Alumni Take Center Stage at Grendel’s Den

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We put out the call and people came! The very first alumni fundraising event to benefit CRLS through Friends of CRLS was held on Sunday, March 27th at Grendel’s Den. Owner Kari Kuelzer (CRLS ’88) generously donated a delicious brunch, served to a group of alumni crossing the spectrum of class years from the 1950’s through 2000 – with graduates from Cambridge Rindge and Latin School and its predecessor Cambridge High and Latin School.

Proceeds from the fundraiser will support all FOCRLS programs. Click here to see alumni photos and learn more about the brunch!

FOCRLS Fall 2010 Faculty Grants Awarded

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Faculty grant recipients reflect the commitment and vision of both faculty, CRLS, and FOCRLS to the academic and social development of all of our CRLS young people, and a deep interest in the ongoing professional development of the teaching community at CRLS, as reflective practitioners and stewards of the school and its students.

This year our growing number of FOCRLS contributors made it possible to offer two grant cycles, both now in the fall, as well as our traditional spring grant cycle! We thank our many donors: family, friends, alumni, and business leaders, for supporting the power of the ideas of our exemplary CRLS educators.

•Kathleen Fitzgerald (Internship and Service Learning Specialist) “Storied Landscapes – Exploration and Sharing of Cultural and Natural Resources Across Urban and Rural Youth Communities

•Conrad Hauck (Engineering Instructor, RSTA)
Funding for Robotics Club: FIRST Robotics 2011 Season

•Matt Landry (Media Instructor) “Experimental Media Lab

•Michele Watson Maxwell (Commercial Design Teacher)
Anti-Discrimination Poster Awareness Campaign

•Deborah Milligan (Photography Teacher) “Mix It Up – Cook it Up

•Robert Ponte (Instrumental Music Teacher)
Contemporary Jazz at CRLS

•Jaci Rubin (Cooperative Education Instructor)
Create a Press Kit for Cooperative Education

•Jessica Young (Art Teacher) “Animation Sound Studio

Another Successful FOCRLS House Party!

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The latest FOCRLS House Party was a great success. Guests and speakers included members of the CRLS Leadership Team (Dr. Chris Saheed, Dean of Students Jamalh Prince, Dean of the 9th grade Campus, Allan Gehant), faculty members and students who have been recipients of grants and awards through FOCRLS, current, prospective, and former parents of CRLS students, Rindge alumni, school committee members, community members with an interest in public education, and volunteers with Friends of CRLS.

CRLS Photography teacher Debi Milligan also brought a slide show of faculty members who’ve received grant awards for innovative projects from Friends of CRLS. Pulling it all together was a delicious array of food and beverages generously donated by Petsie Pies, the Middle East Restaurant, the S&S Deli/Restaurant, the Wine and Cheese Cask, and Zing Pizza.

Behind every great school is a committed community of supporters and supporters-in-the-making such as this great group!

We hope you’ll join us for the next FOCRLS House Party!