FOCRLS Faculty Innovation Grants Awarded for Fall 2013 (12/19/2013)

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Please join Friends of CRLS in congratulating our latest Faculty Innovation Grant recipients! (See list below.) Our 10 Grantees for Fall 2013 were chosen from among a wide variety of programs and departments.

Grant recipients reflect the commitment and vision of faculty and other CRLS staff to the academic and social development of CRLS students, and FOCRLS’ deep interest in supporting the ongoing professional development  of the teaching community at CRLS.

Our review panel of 6 CRLS parents and community members gave careful consideration to each proposal, awarding grants of up to $1,000 each.  133 CRLS faculty have been awarded grant funding by FOCRLS since 2007.

We thank our many donors — family, friends, alumni, and business leaders — for supporting the power of the ideas of our exemplary CRLS educators. This is just one example of how your gift to Friends of CRLS makes its way to hundreds of students, through our Faculty Innovation Grants Program, and our six other programs!

Fall 2013 FOCRLS Faculty Grantees:

Brett Cramp (Drama) – “Fight Coordinator for CRLS METG Play ‘Anonymous’ ”

Leslie Davis (AVID) – “StoriesLive at CRLS”

Brenda Divelbliss & Lauren Simpson (Dance) – “Transforming a Space, Transforming Practice”

Greta Hardina (Family Liaison) – “Weekend Food Backpack”

Conrad Hauck (Engineering/RSTA) – “Funding for FIRST Robotics Club”

Kristin Knowlton (Math/Special Education) – “Mindful Mathematics: Using Meditation to Increase Memory, Focus, and Confidence”

Edna Leith (English Language Learners) – “Beginning ELL Classroom Levelled Reading Library”

Kris Newton & Desiree Phillips (Physics) – “Stop-Motion Animation and Video Production in Physics”

Barbara Weaver (History) – “Black Cultural History: A day trip to NYC to visit the Schomberg Center for Research in Black Culture and see the new production of A Raisin in the Sun

Jessica Young (Visual Arts) –  “Building an Object Library”

Congratulations all!

Welcome to our new FOCRLS staff members! (11/25/2013)

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FOCRLS is thrilled to introduce our three new part-time staff members: Janis Navikas (Administrative Coordinator), Sara Reese Monestime (Alumni & Community Mentoring Coordinator), and Daniel Noel (It Takes A Village College Counselor).

These three hires represent a major step in our organization’s development, allowing us to both further grow our programs, and to build the base for long-term organizational sustainability. We are grateful for the community support that has made this possible.

Given the commitment of Friends of CRLS to deepening the connections between alumni and the current students of CRLS, we are particularly delighted that two of our new staff members (Janis and Sara) are CRLS alums.

Please read on to hear about these new FOCRLS faces, and what they will be bringing to our community, now and in the months to come.


Administrative Coordinator: Janis Navikas

The Administrative Coordinator, a half-time position, will provide critical administrative support for CRLS fundraising and programs. FOCRLS has grown by leaps and bounds in the past 7 years – we currently have 7 major programs and a new scholarships initiative, and our mailing list has grown to some 17,000 parents, alumni, and community members. This position will allow us to sustain and build that momentum further.

Janis Navikas is a graduate of CRLS, and holds a Bachelor of Arts from UMass Boston. She served for a decade as Administrative assistant at the Cambridge-Ellis School, where she served as a primary point of contact for the school for parents, and provided administrative support for school operations, as well as for special events and fundraising. In addition to working at CRLS, Janis is currently part-time Administrative Assistant at YMCA Training, Inc. in Boston. She will be working out of the FOCRLS office at CRLS – if you’re in the building, please stop by and say hi!


Alumni & Community Mentoring Coordinator: Sara Reese Monestime

The Alumni & Community Mentoring Coordinator will help to design and implement the It Takes a Village (ITAV) College Success Program’s new mentoring program; this is a 10 hour/week position through the school year. The program will connect CRLS alumni and other community members with recently-graduated CRLS students attending UMass Boston or local community colleges.

Sara Reese Monestime, the new Friends of CRLS Alumni and Community Mentoring Coordinator, was raised in Cambridge and graduated from CRLS in 1995. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Emerson College, a Master’s in Education from Long Island University’s Brooklyn Campus, and a Certificate in Fundraising from New York University. She is a licensed Guidance Counselor, and has worked as a counselor at The Young Women’s Leadership School and developed a Health and Wellness program for Step Up Women’s Network. Currently, Sara also teaches Health Education at Cambridge Street Upper School.


College Counselor: Daniel Noel

As part of the FOCRLS It Takes a Village (ITAV) College Success program, the College Counselor will be providing critical support for CRLS alumni at UMass Boston. This 10-hour/week position, running through the school year, was jointly funded by Friends of CRLS and a grant from the City of Cambridge’s Department of Human Services.

Daniel Noel
, a Cambridge native, is a second year graduate student at UMass Boston. He is pursuing his master’s degree in Education at their School of Counseling and is currently working as an intern at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School. Daniel worked at the Eliot Boys Detention Center, first as a Patient Access Representative, and then as an At- Risk Youth Advocate. Currently, Daniel is also a Therapeutic Mentor with the Justice Resource Institute in Boston.

Please join us in welcoming Janis, Sara, and Daniel!

CRLS Alumni Homecoming and First Annual Alumni Meeting 2013! (11/25/2013)

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The CRLS Alumni Project and FOCRLS enthusiastically invite all graduates of CRLS, CHLS, and Rindge Tech to return to campus for Homecoming events from Nov. 25 through December 6, 2013, including the first annual CRLS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION MEETING on Nov. 29.

Please RSVP at to reserve your spot for one or all of the many activities planned. Reunite with your former classmates!

Questions and the attendee list are available at the same RSVP link.

It will be a great time — we look forward to seeing you!

FOCRLS is Recruiting for a Part-Time College Counselor (10/28/2013)

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UPDATE 11/25/2013: This position has been filled.

FOCRLS and ITAV announce a job opening for a part-time College Counselor. The counselor will work with newly enrolled and currently attending CRLS alumni at UMass-Boston, and possibly others, to provide support through the college transition and connection stages to significantly improve the students’ persistence and graduation rates. Please click here for the full job description. Spread the word!

School Committee Candidates Forum at CRLS on Weds., Oct. 30 at 7 pm (10/18/2013)

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Friends of CRLS is proud to sponsor a School Committee Candidates Forum on Wednesday, October 30, 2013, in the Main Cafeteria at CRLS from 7-8:30 PM. The main cafeteria is located on the first floor of the Main building at CRLS, 459 Broadway in Cambridge.

This is an important chance for the CRLS community to hear the candidates address issues of concern to us, and for the candidates to meet the CRLS community. With two current school committee members not seeking re-election, this will be a crucial election for the Cambridge schools.

The CRLS alumni association is also supporting the event as a co-sponsor.

A big thank you to David Vogel, FOCRLS Board member, and Cambridge High and Latin School alum, for organizing this forum!

Please click here to RSVP.

For more information about the Forum, please contact Friends of CRLS at

Hope to see you on Wednesday, October 30!

P.S. Please share this with other community members and encourage them to attend!

Launch of The Dr. David A. Link Scholarship Fund (9/23/2013)

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FOCRLS is pleased to announce the launch this fall of The Dr. David A. Link Scholarship Fund. The scholarship was established by the family, friends, colleagues, and patients of David A. Link, M.D., upon his stepping down as Chief of Pediatrics at The Cambridge Health Alliance. This scholarship will be awarded to a CRLS student of excellent character who plans a career dedicated to public health or medical care. More information is available here.

FOCRLS goes to GOOGLE (9/13/2013)

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Donations are still welcome and are eligible for matching by Google! Please see the donation page for Google.

In early September 2013, the Cambridge-based Google Community Affairs team invited representatives of Friends of CRLS and Cambridge School Committee member Fred Fantini to their headquarters in Kendall Square to talk about a prospective fundraising event at Google to mark the beginning of the school year.  In short order we put our heads together to attract Google employees’ attention to CRLS – the what and where of our school, and why and how they could support our students.  Friends of CRLS offered four of its established programs as options for contributions: Faculty Innovation Grants, Scholarships, the College Success Program (“It Takes a Village”), and Travel Fellowships. Google offered the employees the option to request a match.

The September 12, 2013, event culminated with a “Happy Hour” social mixer for employees and supporters of Friends of CRLS at the Google’s Chatham Cafe. Speakers were CRLS Principal Damon Smith, the “Speak Up” spoken word compositions of student poets Maddie Payne, Jenny Vernick, and Leah Cohen, and Elaine Schear, President of FOCRLS.  Other CRLS attendees supporting FOCRLS included faculty members who had been Faculty Innovation Grant recipients:  Rene Meshon, Debi Milligan, Edward Byrne, and Dr. Kimberly Parker, as well as FOCRLS board members Elizabeth Vernon and Community Outreach Liaison Victoria Harris, parent business outreach volunteer Dawn Baxter, and communications volunteer Beena Sarwar.

This event was supported by the CRLS Media Arts Department; videography by intern Russell DeLuca Kavanagh.

Google’s support of Friends of CRLS was part of a broad month-long education initiative conducted by Google.  Along with Cambridge-based EF Education First, Google/Cambridge also recently supported CRLS students with its first “Glocal Challenge”, a competitive research-based local-global environmental initiative at the high school that culminated with a trip to Costa Rica in April 2013.

Photos of the event are available in an album on our Facebook page, here.


First Business Community Breakfast held on June 13th (6/14/2013)

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The first ever Business Community Breakfast was hosted by and for FOCRLS on the morning of Thursday, June 13, 2013 at the high school. It was a wonderful gathering of committed community members, faculty, students and parents.

Guests included the Mayor of Cambridge Henrietta Davis, City Councillors, and Harvard and MIT faculty, as well as business representatives, students, and CRLS faculty.

FOCRLS President Elaine Schear briefed guests on what this voluntary body of some 40 to 50 parents and community members does to help students succeed, focusing on the 40% who come from low income families, many of whom work after school and for whom English is not a first language.

After a round of introductions, Cambridge Mayor Henrietta Davis took the podium, and urged the community to invest in CRLS students. CRLS Principal Damon Smith pointed out that the CRLS renovation did not just mark physical changes but also promoted thinking in new ways. CRLS Marine Biology teacher Paul McGuiness, one of the first recipients of the FOCRLS Faculty Innovation Grants, shared his views. He said CRLS students are second to none; they do well in competitions and even beat MIT one year (!). Marjorie Decker, City Council, shared her own inspirational story, as the first person in her family to graduate from high school and go on to college (Harvard). Denise Jillson, Executive Director of the Harvard Square Business Association, talked about the breakfast event that Rotary International does for the National Honor Society. At the end, FOCRLS Board member and parent Victoria Harris, who organised the event, thanked everyone for being there and urged guests to involve others.

A special thank you to Renee McLeod, owner of Petsi Pies, for donating her remarkable breakfast confections to the day’s event and to many FOCRLS gatherings over the past six years.

For photos of the event, please click here.

Below are the names and organizations of those who attended – thank you all for your support and your valuable feedback and comments!

Mayor Henrietta Davis, Cambridge City Council
Marjorie Decker, Cambridge City Council
Craig Kelley, Cambridge City Council
David Maher, Cambridge City Council
Patty Nolan, Cambridge School Committee
Garey House, Citizens Bank – Central Square Branch
E’atimad Rizk, Citizens Bank – Kendall Square Branch
Paul McGuinness, CRLS – Staff
Rene Meshon, CRLS – Staff
Damon Smith, CRLS – Staff
Rout Asefa, CRLS – Student
Akhi Begum, CRLS – Student
Metea Koronas, CRLS – Student
Adam Manacher, CRLS Parents Council
Jason Alves, East Cambridge Business Association
Kate Berseth, Education First Educational Tours
Jon Blachly, Education First Educational Tours
Shawna Sullivan Education First Educational Tours
Ted Darling, FOCRLS
Victoria Harris, FOCRLS
Neil Rosenburg, FOCRLS
Jamie Sabino, FOCRLS
Beena Sarwar, FOCRLS
Elaine Schear, FOCRLS
Denise Jillson, Harvard Square Business Association
Thomas Lucey, Harvard University
Stacey Nichols, Hyatt Regency Cambridge
Maryann VaRence, Hyatt Regency Cambridge
Paul Paravanno, MIT Office of the President
Katherine Rafferty, Mount Auburn Hospital
Kara Cournoyer, Novartis
Amy Witherbee

Testimonies: FOCRLS student grantees

Metea Koronas, CRLS 2014
Recipient, Student Travel Fellowship
I would like to thank the Friends of CRLS for the amazing experience I was able to have because of you, to El Salvador. It was amazing to get the opportunity to travel abroad and I believe it’s an important experience to have as a student.
While I was there I was able to learn multiple topics and subjects all at once. I was able to practice my Spanish and hold conversations, learn about history I never knew about, and find a new subject I am really interested in, theological liberation.
My trip to El Salvador was amazing and the people have taught me so much. And most importantly, I was able to bring home an important life lesson: to just keep going. The people I have met there have been through so much trauma, but are still able to love and keep demanding change. This kind of spirit and motivation has inspired me so much. So once again, I would like to thank you!

Akhi Begum, CRLS 2014
Recipient, Student Travel Fellowship
At the age of 9, I moved to Fall River, MA with my family for a better life. With the absence of my father in Bangladesh, my mother struggled, but was successful in raising me and my six siblings with integrity and good manners, like saying “Salaam” (“peace”, a Muslim greeting), to everyone I see, even if they are younger, and saying thanks to all who have helped me in any shape or form.

Today, I am here at this amazing high school CRLS. This might be the epitome of a diverse, multi-cultural, multi-lingual, tolerant environment. It is definitely more diverse than back home in Bangladesh. Going to the trips to both Turkey and El Salvador has changed my view in so many ways. The exposure of different cultures and people allowed me to be an open-minded individual, to try new things and especially new food.

Without the travel fellowships from FOCRLS I would not have been able to take these adventurous journeys at all. These past two years, FOCRLS has supported me so much that helped me give a new meaning to life. They made me come out of my shell and take advantage of the opportunities around me. I had the chance to immerse myself in other places, languages and cultures, to prepare myself to be a global citizen.

Community outside the doors should support students like me because it gives so much opportunity and actually take advantage of it.

Many students don’t know where my country is. I didn’t even know where El Salvador was on the globe until I was going there. These opportunities help students to experience the diversity and respect opportunity.

Rout Asefa, CRLS 2013
Recipient, Dr. Christopher Saheed Future Educators Scholarship
My goal is to be a high school teacher. Coming from a home in which my parents can’t afford to buy me everything I need for school, the Dr. Christopher Saheed Future Educators Scholarship has allowed me to be less dependent on my parents financially.

As a result of the many donations to the Friends of CRLS from very generous members in the community, my family doesn’t have to worry about financing every little thing the summer of my freshman year going to college. Senior year is a very important year but it is a very expensive year, with SAT fees, college application fees and deposits etc, so every contribution helps.

Investing in scholarships such as this allows students like me to go to college feeling secure about our financial situation. By investing in scholarships you are also investing in not only the child’s future but also the future of the child’s family. Without your generous donations I would not be able to buy the materials I will need for college. On behalf of my family, I would like to thank all of you for investing in me.

First Annual Student vs. Staff Basketball Fundraiser, June 12th (5/13/2013)

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Community Event – First Annual Student vs. Staff Basketball Fundraiser to benefit Boston Children’s Hospital and CRLS Athletics

FOCRLS is pleased to serve as the fiscal sponsor for donations to the Friends of Cambridge Athletics (FOCA) athletic scholarships raised by this event. This fundraiser has been launched by a Rindge family who is deeply appreciative of Boston Children’s Hospital which has given their family dedicated, inspiring care since 2001, and the equally inspiring care through high quality education and support since 2010 by Cambridge Rindge and Latin School.

The event, coordinated by school staff, is a Student vs. Staff basketball game on Wednesday, June 12th from 1:10 – 2:35 pm at Cambridge Rindge & Latin School. Proceeds will support both organizations – Children’s Hospital for brain disease research and CRLS for the athletics scholarships program that FOCA administers in collaboration with the Athletics Department. Please click here to learn more and to contribute.


Thank you to everyone who participated in the First Annual CRLS Student vs. Staff Basketball Fundraiser on June 12. It was a great game! The staff won by 2 points. We raised quite a bit of money for Boston Children’s Hospital and CRLS. Our speaker from Children’s was Dr. Scott Pomeroy, neurologist-in-chief. He talked about brain disease research with an emphasis on encouraging students to follow their interests into research and science. Jimmy Tingle gave the audience many good laughs! Hope to see you there next year.