“By awarding me the Patrick Ewing Scholarship, you have lightened my financial burden, which allows me to focus more on learning. I vow to make use of the money by maintaining good grades at Allegheny College. I will be majoring in criminal justice and minoring in political science. I hope to become a judge. Your generosity has inspired me to help others and give back to the community. I hope one day I will be able to help students achieve their goals just as you have helped me.”

─ Jahmaya

FOCRLS offers five programs supporting opportunities for CRLS students, grads, and faculty:

College Scholarships
We have awarded a total of $530,350 to CRLS seniors and graduates since 2011 and will be awarding another $96,200 (updated) in 2025! Awardees, whose applications are selected by a review committee, meet academic, financial, and enrollment requirements as well as criteria specific to the scholarships, such as commitment to a STEAM field (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics), pursuit of a career in education or health, being the first in one’s family to attend a 4-year college, cultural background, dedication to community service, or demonstration of CRLS’s core values of Opportunity, Diversity, Respect. For more information or to donate, please see our Scholarships Program page.  

CRLS seniors submit applications and essays through the CRLS scholarship website portal in February.

Faculty Innovation Grants
We have awarded grants to two hundred fifty-five teachers, counselors, liaisons, librarians, administrators, social workers, and club advisors since the inception of our flagship program in 2007Grants of up to $1,000 each have enabled faculty to enhance learning in every department and support students with various services. Field trips, author visits, expert-led workshops, special events, and service learning projects are just a few of the ways Faculty Innovation Grantees have energized their curriculum. A number of teachers and staff members have used Faculty Innovation Grantees to establish resources ─ most notably Falcon’s Market, the School Store, and the Bike Shop ─ and improve existing ones, such as the Pearl K. Wise Library. Proposals are accepted early in the fall through a link emailed to all CRLS faculty and staff. List of all Faculty Innovation Grantees.>>

Student Travel Fellowships
We have awarded fellowships to ninety-two student travelers between 2010 and 2024.  FOCRLS has provided funds to students who qualify financially and academically to participate in CPS-authorized educational, cultural, and service learning CRLS group trips to Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands, Puerto Rico, Peru, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Panama, the Island School in the Bahamas, Tanzania, England, Ireland, Wales, France, Spain, Turkey, and New York City. Please email info@focrls.org for information.

Faculty Distinction Awards
We have sponsored awards presented to seventy-eight honorees at graduation ceremonies since 2007.  This program gives students the opportunity to nominate and celebrate the teachers and staff members who have made the most significant contribution to their learning and personal development over their years at CRLS. See the list of Faculty Distinction Awardees.>>

Unsung Heroes Awards
We have sponsored awards presented to 600+ students since 2008.  Unsung Heroes are students who don’t normally seek out attention yet are noticed and nominated by teachers and deans for their emerging leadership qualities, such as peer support, citizenship, stewardship, contributing to a positive school climate, academic progress, and improved attendance. Each term, 16 students — one from each grade per learning community — are recognized at breakfast celebrations attended by their families and catered by the Rindge School of Technical Arts culinary department.

For more information about any of our programs, please email info@focrls.org, visit CRLS Room 2136, or call 857-235-9290.