February 12 through March 12, 2025

Recognize a senior who has impressed you with their kindness to peers and has plans for their future.

Friends of CRLS is seeking nominations from CRLS teachers, counselors, advisors, administrators, social workers, librarians, and other staff members for the Charlene Holmes Memorial Awards.

Four members of this year’s graduating class — one from each Learning Community — will each receive a check for $500.  

Candidates must meet both these criteria:

1. exemplify Charlene’s spirit of generosity and caring toward their fellow students

2. plan to pursue higher education and a professional career

Please include ALL of the following in your nomination letter:

  • your name, position at CRLS, and email address
  • your student nominee’s full name, Learning Community, and email address
  • how long you have known the nominee and in what context 
  • academic standing (GPA) of the nominee
  • financial need/situation of the nominee
  • two specific examples of the nominee demonstrating caring toward other students
  • post-CRLS aspirations of the nominee

Charlene Holmes, a member of the CRLS Class of 2014 appreciated and admired by peers and faculty alike, was killed by gunshot on Willow Street in June 2012. We honor her memory with these meaningful awards. 

If you have questions, please email info.focrls@gmail.com.